Monday, January 10, 2011


Thanks for all of your advice re: exercising.

With all of the rain, I'm feeling a little stir-crazy since I haven't been able to walk like I normally do. I've warned Kaden and Blake that we're walking today in the rain :P

Too nervous to run on the stairs or jump on the trampoline at the moment - worried I'll slip and break my neck LOL

I'm not allowed to do anything too strenuous yet - it will be a group decision from all of my doctors if I want to increase, but I'm happy with how things are progressing for now anyway.

Also, re: the vase drinking glasses. I measured the quantity of liquid they hold out of curiosity - 600ml LOL


Blogger KatherineB said...

I hear you. I'm grateful for that tinsel decorated treddy in my lounge room atm! But seriously some women have kept up the exercise by walking around a clothes line/living room in a circle.... the important thing is just to keep moving which I know you will! Feel free to come and visit my treddy any time you like ;)

January 10, 2011 at 10:01 AM  
Blogger CrazyOne said...

It is great eating well for the health of your body and eating for hunger. Being weighed down w eating to fill the empty is my battle. Well, one of them.

January 10, 2011 at 3:47 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth Em said...

600ml! that is a vase lol i'm very thankful for my $60 exercise bike at the committment to walk part of the way to work hasn't been a goer with all the rain :(

January 13, 2011 at 9:01 AM  

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