Friday, January 28, 2011

Sprouts and other stuff....

Mum got me hooked on these little suckers while we were down in Cabarita :)

They're a mixed container of bean spouts. (sold in the fruit and vege section)
You may remember that I like "crunch" in my salads and needed to cut back on the cashews. These have been doing the trick very nicely. Best of all, they're on my "free list" (foods that I can eat without limits) so I can eat as many as my heart desires :P

Special thanks to those who have taken the time to e-mail me privately or comment here for encouragement, guidance or even just a hey - I'm reading. I appreciate every message :) xx

I haven't weighed myself for a couple of days, but my clothes are feeling good and I've been exercising again.
I'm going to try my hardest to wait a whole week before I weigh-in again.

Since I've lost weight, there have been a lot of differences to my body.

My hair feels cleaner and healthier and thicker.

My skin has changed. It feels smoother and my pores aren't as noticeable.

Cycles. What's up with 28 day cycles? Ugh, I really could have done without this "benefit" :P
Not as much pain associated with periods and I'm regular to the day.

Eyes. The colour of my eyes seems brighter which is a strange one.

My veins. Okay, this is a weird one. I have lost weight before, but this is the first time, that I've been able to SEE my veins and FEEL my veins. You should see me checking out everyone else's veins to see what theirs look like :P
Now I get why they were having so much trouble getting blood from me or putting cannula's in, in the hospital.
Negative - I bruise realllly easily. I only have to bump a vein for it to bruise. GP and Vascular Specialist believe that's due to the medication I'm on.

They're the main ones. Of course, my energy levels have gone up, up, up which has been awesome.

My hearing has been concerning me a little this week. (I don't believe I got full hearing back after I left the hospital)
I've had some ringing in the ears, trouble hearing. Not sure which Doctor to approach yet.


Blogger KatherineB said...

So glad you posted all this. I've seen the difference in you too - your hair, eyes, skin etc You LOOK healthier <3 You even have a twinkle in your eyes (must be that brightness). Thanks to you I now have a wrap everyday for lunch too (or a salad). So thanks Rach for sharing - you aren't only saving YOUR life but I think you are saving a few peoples {hugs}. xx

January 28, 2011 at 4:58 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth Em said...

A notice I've changed in your blogging and facebooking is that you've really embraced life too... it's been great to see you blossom :)

I like sprouts too!! except raddish ones... they're a bit burnie lol

January 28, 2011 at 5:56 PM  
Anonymous Skye said...

Wow rachel i didnt even know you had a blog post and great to here that i am not the only one on a weight lost challenge. Girls its our year this year to be the happiest and healthiest we have ever been.

I went to the docs yesterday and although i have lost 3 kg in 3 weeks, what i weigh now is exactly what i weighed in August 2009....when i was 8 months pregnant with Lexie. URGH!!! I didnt need to hear that.

January 28, 2011 at 9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope the ears are nothing to worry about Rach. Dad has issues with his.

You are doing great! and mmmmm that food looks so good!

January 30, 2011 at 8:51 PM  

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