Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Part of my homework is to think about whether I had pre-existing Anxiety / Depression BEFORE I got sick.

Wow, tough question.

I honestly don't think so, but there's no denying that I'm different now. I feel happier and lighter (of spirit)
I was on a pretty strong Anxiety medication for Aug/Sep/Oct.
I'm talking knock-you-out strong.
The first time I started I slept for nearly 48 hours. (I'd been too scared to sleep before that, worried that I wasn't going to wake up :( She prescribed something that was going to work immediately and I needed it.

I weaned off that drug (just wasn't practical with the kids) and my doctor now has me on a different brand of anxiety drug. It took quite a few weeks to notice any difference. (that's the intention of the drug) and I'm currently still taking it.

Is that the reason for my happiness? I'm certain it's contributing.

But I've also completely changed my life. I cut back my working hours. I work only on "work" days. On my days off, Aria and I get out of the house and do something fun. (beach, park, shopping etc)
I stopped working nights. I would have dinner and head straight downstairs and work until 11pm.
I take breaks from the computer. I make myself have morning tea, a lunch hour and afternoon tea.

I'm active and exercising. I was doing none of this beforehand. I'm cooking and enjoying playing with food.
Every kilo I lose is like a weight off my mind as well.

I don't think I was depressed or anxious before.......but I don't think I was happy either. I just didn't know it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - that's a great epiphany Rach. Big, but beautiful - a bit like me! :)

I don't think we can underestimate what good food and exercise does not only to your health, but also your wellbeing.

Found this page which spells it out well, I think:


February 10, 2011 at 8:26 AM  
Blogger KatherineB said...

*tears* ...... xx

February 10, 2011 at 9:48 AM  
Anonymous marilyn said...

I'm with you Katherine *tears*..but tears of happiness to see how you have turned your life around Rach, so glad that you are making time for fun things in your life also xoxo

February 10, 2011 at 6:35 PM  

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