Friday, March 18, 2011

Things I've learned....

As I get closer to 40 kgs lost, I've picked up some tips along the way. I do NOT consider myself an expert by any means. (LOL)
I'll be the first to admit that I'm still learning heaps about my body.
I have made a LOT of mistakes in the last 4 years though, and I'm willing to learn from them.

Basically, I think about everything I used to do.....and now do the complete opposite :P

** I don't like aerobic exercise. There. I've admitted it. I don't like being out of breath. I don't like feeling like I'm going to throw up. I don't like "have to" "guilted into" I don't like being sore or pushing myself to the limit.
I've gotten this far by walking (mostly). Perhaps as time goes on, my body will decide that I NEED to do more "heart pumping" exercise, but I've lost almost 40kgs by WALKING. I try to go every second day at least. Usually only 25 minutes or so. On weekends I walk more. My stride has gotten faster. I cover more distance than I used to. I try to jog occasionally (but to be honest - I feel too awkward)

** Make everything exercise. I park my car further away. I always try to take stairs and when I can, I run them. If I'm on an escalator, I WALK the stairs....I don't just stand still. I am constantly dancing in the loungeroom with Aria (she loves it)
If I'm at the sink or cooking dinner, I put music on and dance while I'm doing it :)
Every little bit counts.

** I've said it before. Eat, eat, eat. Don't let your body get hungry. I eat every 2.5-3 hours. Even if it's just a piece of fruit at the snack times - it takes the edge off your hunger. If I'm out and have forgotten to pack crackers/fruit in my bag, I will choose the lowest fat muffin I can find (or something along those lines) and eat some of it with a cup of tea.

I am better off eating some of something that's not an "ideal" snack and then having a healthy lunch than I am starving myself (and increasing the possibility of overeating at lunch)

** It's okay to leave food on your plate :) I won't eat a whole muffin. If Sushi is sold in a three pack, it's okay to leave one of the serves for later. I order fresh noodles a lot. One of those serving's is HUGE. (even though the noodle box isn't so big)
My dietician told me to tip the contents into a bowl. I have about half a noodle box per serve.

** Do NOT eat until you are full. This is a big one for me. I used to eat and eat until I was completely full. (and because I was starving, it took a lot to fill me)
I eat a normal serving size and STOP. Let your meal settle in your stomach. You will not feel hungry.

** I don't eat bread anymore. I've cut way back on the carbs and rarely have anything "carb" for dinner. (I have carbs at lunch time)

** Sleep well. Sounds obvious. But really.....get good sleep. I've given up stimulants like diet coke and coffee. I limit to tea intake to morning/lunch. If I feel like something at night, I'll have a decaf coffee (but don't even like the taste of that anymore)
I try to be sensible about my bedtime at night. If I wake up feeling rested, I'm more likely to get moving.

** Fluids. Water, water, water. We all know it. Drink 8 glasses etc, etc, etc. I have my drinking vases which definitely helps with the water intake. I drink a lot of sparkling water, just because I like the fizz. I squeeze fresh lemon or lime or use a diet cordial sometimes too.

I'll keep adding more as I think of them.....but would love to read any tips that you've learnt along the way to a healthier you?


Blogger Ali :-) said...

Awesome tips there, Rach!

Another one is to have a glass of water before your meals - takes the edge off of your hunger and helps to fill you up a bit. (I know this... but I still don't always do it... oops!)

And - although not always possible - exercise in the morning. Then it's out of the way so you can't make excuses on why NOT to do it later in the day :o) (again - another one I don't always abide by!)

You're doing SO well, mate! Very proud of you!!!

Ali :o)

March 18, 2011 at 8:03 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth Em said...

totally agree on the exercise one Ali... love your list Rach!

my BIGGEST obstacle was eat eat eat lol i didn't know what hungry was... as i'm an emotional eater (happy sad you name it lol) i ate because the clock said it was time to. now i wait for my tummy to rumble, but yes i've got a similar plan as yours - be prepared. these days i always have an apple in my bag if i get desperate or i drink water.

hate to inform you too but walking is aerobic exercise... and you like walking ;) 30 minutes a day is what they say we need and you're getting that with all your 'incidential exercise' well done!!! don't feel bad about not liking feeling puffed... i hate it while i'm doing it but like the feeling afterwards. (pity they can't bottle that lol)

March 18, 2011 at 9:26 PM  
Blogger KatherineB said...

*sigh* you are AMAZING!!! Sadly I *know* all those things you've listed but seem to have forgotten them lately - that said, your post on the picture from the hospital is a HUGE slap in my face so yet again your posts nudge me along. As much as I'm not full ball into "my" program yet - with every post you do Rach you keep me accountable too. I think more about choices ;) The only other thing I think you should add is measure measure measure. Especially in the weeks where you may not lose as many kg's as you thought you should still measure as the cm's are falling off you sweetie! xx

March 22, 2011 at 11:20 AM  

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