Wednesday, June 22, 2011

two steps back.....

So it turns out that the dizziness, one sided headache and upset tummy feeling
is not blood pressure related or drug withdrawal related.

I saw my Optometrist today (just for a routine check-up - I want to replace my
scratched lenses and I thought I'd have an eye test while I was there)

It appears my BIH is back :( Sad, sad, face.

I document everything in my diary on a twice-daily basis, so I know exactly when it started.
(1.5 weeks ago)

Just not sure why it's come back.

I feel kind of stupid for not putting it together in my head - I was stunned when he told me
that he could see swelling. Was not expecting that at all.
I did have a fleeting thought to ask my GP about BIH when the headache started,
but didn't follow through.

Next step is Neuro-Ophthalmologist next week. (privately so I don't have to wait)

I could use all of your positive thoughts and prayers that I don't have to go through another
Lumbar Puncture or hospital stay *tears*


Blogger KatherineB said...

Oh sweetie!!! Think positive. How can this happen? You are going so well with EVERYTHING. On a positive note I'm SO glad this has been discovered now so it can be dealt with. You are STRONG!!! You WILL NOT need another LP or stay in hospital. Look after yourself FIRST and I'm here if you need ANYTHING xx Anything at all. *tears* here too.

June 22, 2011 at 9:29 PM  
Anonymous Dawn said...

Rach, thinking of you. I know it's hard when faced with disappointing news. Stay positive. Hugs.

June 23, 2011 at 7:19 AM  
Anonymous Kirsty S said...

Sending good thoughts your way... and also "Bugger off, BIH" thoughts too.

June 23, 2011 at 7:21 AM  
Blogger Ali :-) said...

Oh Rach... that's awful news :o( Like Katherine said - at least it's been discovered early and you're right on to it. Will be keeping everything crossed for you that you don't have to go through those horrible LP's or a hospital stay again. Thinking of you xoxoxo

June 23, 2011 at 7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rach I just want to say that you are such a strong lady. The past year should tell you that!!! I am so ever proud of you and I have no shame standing on top of the largest, highest hill to point to you and tell every person "THAT is MY cousin and LOOK at what she has done and how incredibly strong she is!!!!!!!!!" I love you Rach! All my postive thoughts are with you!!!!!!!!! Love Hala

June 23, 2011 at 8:08 AM  
Blogger Leanne Stamatellos said...

Dear rachel, everything will be OK - you have the support of so many friends and family - stay strong - all will be sorted very soon - you are on the road to optimal health and this is just a little speed bump. Take care,

June 23, 2011 at 8:28 AM  
Blogger Bridget said...

Oh Rach, I'm sorry to hear that. Just look at what you've achieved already! You are so strong and amazing, you'll get through this. Keeping everything crossed for you that you don't have to have another LP or hospital stay. You're in my thoughts. xxx

June 23, 2011 at 8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Rach, I'm sitting hear crying tears for you.

Okay, you've got the apt next week, so stay true to yourself, be positive, yeah, I know that is so hard..... Sending huge hugs your way. Shirl x

June 23, 2011 at 11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rach, you have come along way, keep being positive, I am always thinking of you as you are such a wounderful, encouraging and inspiring person. Please ring me if you need anything, I can drive you to the hospital if you need, or mind the kids for you. Keep us updated as you know all of us care and want to know you are ok:)
YF Mandy

June 23, 2011 at 11:44 AM  

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