Thursday, July 7, 2011


"Thanks for the insight into your "diet", Rach :o) Something I really struggle with is breakfasts. I'm not really keen on breakfast... unless it would be bacon, egg, sausages, toast, mushrooms, etc... but that's not exactly "healthy"!

What do you have for breakfast that you find tasty, filling and healthy?"


I still have bacon and eggs!!

Some breakfast ideas that I enjoy -

3/4 cup of "good" cereal. (ie, not coco pops ;)
trim milk

Sometimes I'll top with a diced apple or a chopped banana, some tinned peaches.
Strawberries, Kiwi fruit...whatever is in the house really.

Sometimes I skip the milk and dollop on a good sized spoon of low fat yoghurt.

If I need something a bit more substantial or I just feel like a change,
I'll make something with two eggs.

Fried eggs in a skillet (spray oil only)
Two rashes of middle cut (no fat) bacon.
Fried tomato wedges, sprinkled with herbs.
Spinach leaves

Or I'm make an omelette, with grated carrot, onion, avocado, tomato, spinach leaves etc.

Or scrambled with similar ingredients and then rolled in a wrap.


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